In The Works - The Power of The Prompt
The Power of the Prompt - narrated by author, writing facilitator, and creative powerhouse Lara O'Brien - is the story of Howth Writing Workshops and the transformative power of prompt writing.
Drawing from her eighteen years of experience as a workshop writer and facilitator, Lara takes the reader into the workshop space, maps the developing writer, and triumphantly mentors the terrified writer to become a literary performer for community gatherings.
This work is carefully curated and supported by examples of prompts, developed stories and actually stories taken from the 'Hooks and Reels' evenings of story and song.
The Power of the Prompt, is an interactive guide for any writer who wishes to begin writing, with the support of others, and together propel your work, words, and life stories to a warm and welcoming audience.
The Power of the Prompt is an essential read in understanding how a little scribble can go a long way. This is a unique lens to how a creative community, steeped in literary and musical culture came together to celebrate their work and words and allows any group, anywhere, to do the same.